480 Hempstead Park is a 6.7 acre parcel acquired by the City of Westerville in 2016. The park fulfills a long time need for a neighborhood park in the southeastern quadrant of the master plan (Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces-or PROS) for the Westerville Parks & Recreation department.

After several meetings, online forums, and open houses which were attended by hundreds of residents, the team developed a list of guiding principles. A plan for improvements that aligned with the both the community’s mission and vision for the park was presented as a result. The Park’s theme, “Rooted in Nature,” was developed to honor the original landowners Morris & Dorothy McVays, and as a way to weave together the site’s historical significance with the various activities that appeal to the park’s diverse user group.

Drawing from the McVays love of nature and philanthropic efforts, POD Design created a plan to depict their stories while creating a unique recreational experience. Utilizing a fun, whimsical approach to designing the park paired with various educational opportunities, POD has been able to maintain and embellish the site’s natural character which the McVays sought to preserve for future generations of the Westerville community.

In addition to preserving the mature trees on site, the plan includes a safer realigned entry drive with parking, a network of paved multi-use trails, green infrastructure with an increased habitat establishment, a barn style shelter and restroom building (as a nod to an old existing barn onsite), and carefully positioned signature play elements unique to Central Ohio.


Confluence Village Park


Millstone Creek Park Nature Play